
July, 2014

Botanical Garden Shortlist

We were delighted to hear this week that we have been shortlisted for the complete redesign of the main entrance and northern part of Shanghai Botanical Gardens. This will include a world class orchid house at 9000m2, which will become the biggest in the world.

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Residential Sensory Garden

We have just completed our latest residential sensory garden in Sheffield. Over the last 30 years we have built up our in house knowledge though an extensive range of residential / care home / hospital sensory gardens. We have condensed much of this knowledge into this lastest small residential scheme to great effect. The private Sheffield client said she was delighted with how the full sensory garden and wheelchair accessibility has been incorporated into a cost effect residential landscape design. To aid with client understanding of the scheme we also produced a simple and cost effective visualisations, which incorporates the accuracy of computer design and the flexibility of hand drawing.

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The ‘Shanghai Fish’ Concept

Weddle Landscape Design have recently completed the landscape design concept for the  ‘Shanghai Fish’ in Nanqiao New City, Shanghai. Weddles were engaged to produce a landscape design concept for the newly built 36ha ‘fish’  framework, implemented by the designers of the Palm Tree Island, Dubai. The concepts promotes Ecological Design, Clean Water and Healthy Living for this district of Shanghai.

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