- Central Lake Is the main feature.
- Fountain, plaza and mature planting form high quality landscape in the areas near the main entrances.
- Soft bank towards the Central Green Park provides a more natural feeling.
- Central Green Park and Old City Wall Park use land cut from the lake for more interesting land form.
- Woodland to provide walking and fitness opportunity.
- Lake(water), land sculpture (earth), lighting (fire) garden and Wind Garden corn from the four elements concept.
- Green Curtain links the two parts of the Business park, together with green walls give a strong ecological statement in the Main entrance.
- Landscape can accommodate phased development, leaving enough flexibility for architects to design. Headquarters focus on courtyards.Each courtyard has different theme to provide local identity.
- West lake area has a strong concept of naturaland raw landscape conlrasting to modern high urban landscape.Buildings are loose fit, they can be put in any location.
- Provide different trails to link view points,environmental education opportunity, inspiration and encourage healthy living style.
Nanjing, China
City Landscape Planning
Nanjing Zhongshan Creative Industry Park