This Ecological approach to Landscape Planning is current best practice in Britain. It ensures a sustainable planning solution, maximising environmental benefits to the landscape and to people. Ecological Planning will add value to the Ecological Town and the developer will be able to use ‘Ecological Planning’ as a unique marketing point, making this development one of the best in China.
The Ecological approach identifies the most important areas for nature and wildlife, and allows the development planning team to focus on the most economically develop-able areas. Ecological Planning delivers better Quality of Life, providing a landscape framework for leisure, sustainable drainage and a wider connection to the surrounding landscape through green infrastructure.
An ecology based green planning solution is likely to encourage investment by international companies who will be attracted by the lifestyle benefits of an Ecological Town. An Ecology Park might become a tourist attraction, and charge an entry fee.
Chengdu, China
Ecological Landscape Planning
Xiangsheng Land