Heriot-Watt University has just been announced Winner of the Scottish Green Flag Award 2014 for the Formal Gardens and Central Woodland designed by Weddles. See the Article above.
Ma Zhengang, former Chinese ambassador to the UK (1997-2002), visited the International Horticultural Exhibition 2014 Qingdao on May 26 accompanied by Li Fengli, secretary-general of the expo executive committee. Read more →
This week, three more members of the Weddles team became members of the Chartered Institute of Horticulturists. Neil Northrop, Lu Zhong and Chris Braine are now all full MCIHort members. Mike Browell, Principle, is one of the founding members of this Institute, and has been a member for 25 years . Weddles has a background of strong horticultural knowledge, which is demonstrated though our projects over the last 57 Years. Read more →