Do I need Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)?
As of May 2024:
Major Site: Residential developments larger then 10 residential units / 1 hectare area; or commercial development where floor space is more then 1,000 square metres / 1 hectare area.
= Requires 10% net gain (or more if stated by LPA) as required by the Environment Act
Small Sites: Residential development less then 10 units / 1 hectare (or if the number of dwellings is unknown less than 0.5 hectares); or commercial development where floor space created is less than 1,000 square metres / 1 hectare area.
=Requires 10% net gain (or more if stated by LPA) as required by the Environment Act (typically can use the ‘small sites metric’)
Exempt from BNG: Impacts less then 25m2 of non-priority habitat; permitted development; householder applications; residential self-build or custom-build (where the initial owner/s are primarily involved in the development) and less then 0.5 hectare area, and change of use applications.
If in any doubt please get in touch and our team can guide you though the BNG process: // 0114 250 1181