Earn cost effective LE1-6 credits for your development with simple, practical actions for ecological enhancement
We have extensive experience producing BREEAM assessments for a variety of sites including schools, colleges, industrial developments and residential housing projects. We are qualified to produce the Land Use and Ecology (LE01-05) sections. 10 BREEAM credits are available in this section of UK New Construction 2014.
Our involvement requires a site visit to map habitats and assess features of ecological value, as well as searching for evidence of species protected by law. We will then produce a report that will set out which credits are, or could be, available and the measures that will need to be taken in order to secure them. Ideally we would start this process at the earliest stages of the project, as an input into site design and layout can make a significant difference to the end result.
To maximize the credits awarded we typically produce a Landscape Masterplan, Habitat Protection Plan and Landscape Management Plan.
We have the experience to secure many of the LE credits with minimal cost to the client. If you require a quote please email a brief description of what is proposed, timescales, site plans and any correspondence received from the Local Planning Authority.