Weddles have an in-house ecology department with licenced and CIEEM accredited ecologists specialised in undertaking numerous protected species surveys such as Bats, Amphibians, Reptiles and Birds. Our staff also are experienced in surveying specialised fauna such as Badgers, Water voles, Hazel dormice, Great crested newt and European otter.
Bats are often the most encountered protected species during development. If you are submitting a planning application to renovate or demolish buildings, or are undertaking tree work, it is likely that you will require a Preliminary Roost Appraisal (Buildings) or Ground-level Tree Assessment. Our ecologists have over 10 years experience of undertaking scoping suitability surveys to BCT guidance.
Where evidence, or likelihood of presence is determined, we are licenced to undertake nocturnal surveys with the most up to date survey equipment and resources to provide you with a suitable mitigation strategy to inform a planning decision.
We will work with you every step of the way to ensure that your needs for development are met whilst ensuring the best possible outcomes for protected species.
We also have capacity to undertake European Protected Species Mitigation Licences where impacts to bat roosts cannot be absolutely avoided.